Rejuvenation Hiking Tours, Cyprus
There are 31 main trails in Cyprus. These are classified into 3 categories. The Easy Trail which would be regarded as gradient 1. This is gentle and suitable for all hikers. Category 2 would constitute a medium degree of difficulty, suitable for adults in general to good fitness. A Category 3 would constitute a difficult level of gradient, suitable for the more advanced trekker. The health benefits of hiking are clear.
The Mental Health Foundation and a number of researchers have looked into this wonderful pastime. A clear benefit being the positive unification with mind , body and environment. This is called ‘connectedness’. Man’s ideal state in relationship with nature. Nature is a healer and brings a sense of balanced perspective to our lives. ‘Connectedness’ refers to the way we relate to and experience nature, when we have this sense of ‘connectedness’ we feel a sense of balance and a sense of belonginess. For of course we are of nature and activities that involve all senses such as hiking in Limassol allow us to increase this feeling. Trekking and group walking are activities where we can notice this sense of union with the world around us, whilst trekking- engaging in activities where we can feel emotion really strengthens our bond to our selves and all that is external to us. Touching a tree bark whilst on a trek, or running a hand through the rustling bushes as we move forward all increases and enhances this sense of well-being. Poets have long known that walking in nature increases the persons level of compassion and emotion, the ability for insight and creative new thought are all heightened through the great outdoors, positive emotions such as calmness and joy are also fostered through this natural connection. Hearing a bird song or touching soil all help ground us, these things are simple basic activities but whilst on a trek we can drastically improve our mental health. There are also great cardiovascular benefits to hiking in nature. Hiking is a weight bearing exercise that helps build muscle mass and helps prevent osteoporosis. Going up and down hills gets the heart pumping and creates a great cardio workout. The activity helps reduce cholesterol, heart disease and even some cancers. helping rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Article by - Daniel Sieff Contributor at Rejuvenation Hiking, Limassol Cyprus Comments are closed.